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7 Lessons from “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude”

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Thursday, January 16, 2025

Whether you’re a young student, up-and-coming athlete, entrepreneur, new mother, or anything else in life or career, one thing is sure—a positive attitude boosts your efforts and takes you farther than a negative one.

Imagine all you can accomplish if only you could teach yourself to practice positivity.

The exciting news is that no matter who you are, where you come from, or what your attitude has been up till now, you can shift your mentality towards the positive side.

One of the best Napoleon Hill books on positivity is “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude.” In it, Hill helps you train your brain to control the one thing in life you can—your attitude.

A positive mentality lies within reach. However, it’s usually quite challenging to recognize and break free of negativity that creeps into your headspace.

Humans naturally have a negativity bias. That means you think and envision worst-case scenarios more easily than good ones. While that thinking helps you prepare for emergencies, it isn’t helpful (or truthful) in everyday situations.

Because of natural negativity bias, reading positivity mindset guides is essential. It’s just as important to practice the advice you read.

​Below are seven vital lessons from Hill. Practice this advice, and watch your life transform by the simple (not necessarily easy) switch from thinking negatively to positively.


1. PMA Power

There’s power in a positive mental attitude, or PMA as Hill called it.

PMA is an attractive force. It’s like a magnet to metal or a spark in an ignition.

PMA does not ignore the fact that sometimes bad things happen. Sometimes, life does not lend you a favorable circumstance.

However, a positive attitude hopes and believes in incredible possibilities. It whets your appetite for self-improvement. It finds the smallest crumb of something on the cusp of extraordinary and within your control. It inspires and illuminates.

​Feeling hopeful and noticing potential helps you grab hold of opportunities. Opportunities lead to success.


2. Train Your Subconscious

Your mind shapes your thoughts. Those thoughts influence your vision and actions.

You aren’t always aware of what your brain tells you. Sometimes, it tells you unhelpful things. It uses baseless fears to keep you safe, but that safety can keep you stuck in a rut.

Train your subconscious mind to deliver uplifting messages. You’ll boost your confidence, mood, and behaviors.

Your mind will believe what you tell it, so be careful how you speak to it. Say words of affirmation to yourself daily. Tell yourself who you are becoming—strong, brave, kind, wealthy, intelligent, etc.

Visualize your success. Meditate on positive mental images of your future self or successes. Create a vision board to physically focus on pictures or words that portray your desires.

​These techniques (affirmations and visualizations) help reprogram your brain to propel you forward instead of holding you back.


3. Replace Fears and Doubts

You’ve likely read or heard about your brain’s natural inclination towards negativity. It’s your body’s way of helping you survive.

However, your brain’s negativity bias can ruin your mood and stall progress. It can plant seeds of self-doubt and fear that grow into defeat or hopelessness.

​Working on your PMA helps you weed out fears. Turn fear into action to overcome it. Signing up for public speaking lessons because talking to a crowd scares you is an excellent example of facing your fears head-on through action.


4. Cultivate Enthusiasm

Be enthusiastic about life. If you aren’t, fake it till you make it. Your brain will start to believe in your enthusiasm—it doesn’t matter if it’s only an act at first.

Enthusiasm is like a snowball rolling downhill, growing and attracting more enthusiasm. It’s the reasoning behind having a cheerleading squad at sports events—enthusiasm is catching.

​Practicing enthusiasm can energize you and help you persist through challenges. It can further fuel your progress by attracting success-boosting people to you.


5. Correct Your Thoughts

Another way you must “fix” your thinking is to reprogram your brain to provide accurate data instead of misleading feelings.

Learn to separate emotions from facts. Become a truth detective, searching your mind for reliable, verifiable information.

For example, say you aim to eat healthier this week but binge on a pint of ice cream Thursday night. Your brain may say all sorts of unhelpful negative things, like “You’re a failure,” “You really blew it,” or “You might as well give up on this goal.”

Those aren’t facts. The fact is you ate a pint of ice cream when you were trying to eat healthier. You may even have a stomach ache after.

Think logically and rationally about the facts. You made it four days of clean eating.

While you didn’t make it a whole week, let’s see if you can make it five days instead of four next week without giving in to temptations. For a better outcome, consider ridding the pantry and fridge of temptations.

​See how the emotions were unhelpful, but the raw data gave you something you could work with?


6. Create Helpful Habits

Change your habits little by little to master any skill, including cultivating a positive mental attitude. Audit your habits once in a while to find areas of improvement.

​Tweak your habits to develop a more helpful, successful attitude. Speak positive affirmations to yourself. Spend time envisioning your success. Face fears and doubts. Act enthusiastically—your mood will follow. Search your thoughts and replace emotions with cold, hard facts.


7. PMA and the Law of Attraction

When you hone a positive attitude, positivity exudes from you. It creates a ripple effect, influencing the people and ideas around you.

In other words, it is the Law of Attraction at work. You put out positivity, and positive things happen for you and because of you.

​Try Napoleon Hill’s timeless strategies. Read Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude and his many other books about mindset to learn more practical tips and master his advice.


Ready to Take Your Positivity and Success Mindset to the Next Level?

If Napoleon Hill’s lessons have sparked your desire for growth, imagine what diving deeper into his teachings could do for your life. Join the Think & Grow Rich Challenge—an exclusive opportunity to learn directly from rare, never-before-seen footage of Napoleon Hill himself alongside inspiring guest speakers.

Explore the principles that have fueled world-class achievers and discover practical ways to align your mindset with your goals. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, athlete, or simply someone looking to unlock your potential, this challenge is your chance to turn positivity into productivity and dreams into reality.

​The journey to achieving your greatest success starts now. Sign up for the Think & Grow Rich Challenge today and take the first step toward creating a life filled with purpose, abundance, and endless opportunities.



A positive mindset is within reach, but breaking free from negativity can be challenging. This infographic shares seven essential lessons from Napoleon Hill. By applying this advice, you can transform your life by shifting from negative to positive thinking.

7 Lessons from Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude Infographic


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