Have you heard of the Law of Attraction?
It’s also sometimes called the Golden Rule…
If you’ve gone to church you might be thinking of the teaching “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
But I’m going to tell you about an application for this law which will have incredible effects on your success in life and business.
This Law of Attraction is super important not just in a religious context but it’s literally the basis of the most successful self-help books of recent decades – books like The Secret, for example.
In fact, The Secret points back to Charles F. Haanel again and again.
I was re-reading The Master-Key System by Charles F. Haanel recently and his understanding of the Law of Attraction is so amazing!
It completely changes the way you think!
He writes again and again that we will literally ‘manifest’ what we are thinking.
It’s not just about how we act towards others…
Here’s a practical example from the book:
“The operation of this law is interesting. Those who put it into operation find that when they go out to meet the person with whom they anticipate a difficult interview, Lo! Something has been there before them and dissolved the supposed differences; everything is changed; all is harmonious; they find that when some difficult business problem presents itself they can afford to make delay and something suggests the proper solution; everything is properly arranged; in fact, those who have learned to trust the subconscious find that they have infinite resources at their command.”
The wording is a little funny… but did you get that?
He’s basically saying that by controlling our thoughts to think only of positive outcomes, and actually feeling relaxed and positive and hopeful about the future, we will create that future!
I know it’s so easy to get anxious when we’re launching new business offers.
But every time I read Haanel it reminds me to stay extra aware of what I’m thinking.
And it’s amazing that when I do my best to stay motivated and positive I have SO much more energy to keep going after my goals.
Isn’t it amazing?
The Law of Attraction means you will create the circumstances you are thinking about…
I wanted to share this powerful reminder with you today and I’m super excited to see how you put these ideas to work in your life.
If you do, don’t forget to tag me in your social media posts – I read every one!
All active Secrets of Success members get two credits every month that they can redeem to unlock exclusive courses and content in our author library?? In fact, The Master Key System from Charles F. Haanel is inside…
Here’s how to get it!
Talk soon,
Russell Brunson
P.S. If you do tag me don’t forget to mention my new Instagram page dedicated to these Secrets of Success. Here's the link.
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