Yesterday I was telling you about how thinking is like breathing.
Because although most of us do it instinctively… when we bring our awareness to it, we can control it and get different results!
But just how powerful our are thoughts?
Napoleon Hill compared our thoughts to a “magnet”, which will attract whatever we think about (whether we like it or not)...
"The subconscious mind may be likened to a magnet. And when it has been vitalized and thoroughly saturated with any definite purpose, it has a decided tendency to attract all that is necessary for the fulfillment of this purpose."
The only problem is that we usually do a poor job of setting that definite purpose for ourselves…
So instead of attuning our “magnet” to the proper settings to attract what we want… we leave it up to chance and are surprised at the results!
But if we want something different, we just have to think differently.
This is true in nature…
"Like attracts like and you may see evidence of this law in every blade of grass, in every growing tree. The acorn attracts from the soil and the air the necessary materials out of which to grow an oak tree. It never grows a tree that is part oak and part poplar. Every grain of wheat that is planted in the soil attracts the materials out of which to grow a stock of wheat. It never makes a mistake and grows both oats and wheats in the same stock."
And it’s true in ourselves…
"Men are subject to the same law of attraction. Go into any cheap boarding house district in any city and there you will find people of the same general trend of mind associated together. On the other hand, go into any prosperous community and there you will find people of the same general tendencies associated together. Men who are successful always seek the company of others who are successful. While men who are on the ragged side of life always seek the company of those who are in similar circumstances. Misery loves company."
If you want to discover the quality of your thoughts… look at the quality of your life. The people you are surrounded by. The work you do. The body you’ve cultivated.
Your mind is constantly at work to bring your thoughts to fruition.
Whether those thoughts are helpful… or unhelpful.
"You will attract to you people who harmonize with your own philosophy of life, whether you wish it or not. This being true, can you not see the importance of vitalizing your mind with a definite purpose that will attract to you people who will be a help to you and not a hindrance?"
The key, of course, is to think better thoughts.
Want to learn how?
Hit “reply” and let me know if you think we should do a challenge together on how to “think and grow rich”! 😁
- Russell Brunson
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