Acres of Diamonds

Russell Conwell

About the Author

Russell Herman Conwell (1843–1925) was an American Baptist minister, philanthropist, lawyer, and writer. He is most commonly remembered for founding Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and for delivering his inspirational lecture “Acres of Diamonds.”

Conwell was the university’s first president and was vital in turning it into a major charitable organization. He raised significant sums of money to help provide for students from less well-off families, as he felt that these students were significantly disadvantaged and often overlooked by elite academic institutions.

About the Book

In his “Acres of Diamonds” speech and the later book, Conwell recounts a story told to him by a guide while he was traveling. The story's timeless moral inspired Conwell, and the theme appears here in “Acres of Diamonds” and in many of his other speeches.


Conwell's lecture "Acres of Diamonds" central theme is that one does not need to look elsewhere for opportunities, wealth, or happiness. He suggests that people should look where they are to recognize opportunities around them and benefit from their local resources.

Conwell uses a parable of a man who sells his prosperous farm to search for diamonds. The new owner is comfortable and happy working the farm and providing for his family but soon discovers a rich diamond mine on that land. Had the first owner stayed and searched for opportunities where he was, he would have found his dreams there.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is the book about?

“Acres of Diamonds” is about realizing that potential and opportunities exist in one’s environment—and you do not need to search far to find them. It motivates the reader to use existing resources instead of searching for success elsewhere.

+ How long is the book?

The book is a transcription of Conwell’s speech, so it is very short. All editions are 100 pages or fewer.

+ Does the book have famous quotes?

"Begin where you are and what you are."

"You cannot trust a man with your money who cannot take care of his own."

"Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them."

+ When was the book written?

The lecture was first delivered by Conwell in 1869 and published shortly after that.

+ Are there different versions of the book?

“Acres of Diamonds” has been in publication since the late 19th century and is still available today. You can find it as a physical book, e-book, and audiobook.

+ What category does this book fall under?

You can find this book under the categories Online Book Resources About Business and Online Book Resources About Focus.

+ Where can I get the book?

Want to explore “Acres of Diamonds”? Secrets of Success members instantly gain access to an extensive library and virtual book clubs that discuss “Acres of Diamonds” and many others in great detail. Join here for more personal growth resources.

+ What are similar books I can read?

Books with similar themes to Conwell’s “Acres of Diamonds” are “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason and “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

Other Books by Russell Conwell:

Acres of Diamonds

Acres of Diamonds

Every Man His Own University (1917)

Every Man His Own University (1917)

Increasing Personal Efficiency (1917)

Increasing Personal Efficiency (1917)

The Key to Success (1917)

The Key to Success (1917)

Health Healing and Faith (1921)

Health Healing and Faith (1921)

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude (1959)

Success Habits (2018)

How to Own Your Own Mind (1941)

The Master Key to Riches (1945)

Master Mind: The Memoirs of Napoleon Hill (2021)



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“Acres of diamonds are found in every state in America, but we often fail to recognize them because we're too busy chasing distant rainbows.”

Russell Conwell

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