If you’ve ever done something a little ‘crazy’ in pursuit of your passion in life…
And by crazy I mean…
…then let me guess something else about you.
At some point along the road you’ve ‘lost sight’ of this passion and that amazing feeling has been replaced by doubt, regret or worry.
If so…
…then this email is for you!
Yesterday, I shared 7 ‘rules’ with you from Elsie Lincoln’s Benedict’s book “How to Get Anything You Want in Life.”
The rules were about harnessing your subconscious mind to reach success faster.
But you probably had this one niggling thought.
It was probably something like ‘But I don’t have the same motivation’ or ‘I just get all nervous when I think about it’ or ‘I can never get started’.
In the past this motivation has been called by many different names:
According to Elsie Lincoln Benedict, these are all names for what happens when your conscious and subconscious minds start working together.
When this happens you become unstoppable…
And here’s an AMAZING paragraph from the final chapter on using your subconscious to help you in work that will change everything for you.
Here it is:
"No person secures the highest and best results in life without the cooperation of his subconscious, though most of the world’s famous men and women, up to recent years, worked in harmony with this strange inner force without ever guessing its real nature…they had to wait to stumble upon it when “the mood” or the “muse” seemed willing…We know today that these moods make our lives, but we know something they never guessed—that WE make the moods!"
This is the most powerful lesson you can get from “How to Get Anything You Want in Life”.
You can control your feelings and moods…and it’s this more than anything else that will get you the success you’re searching for – and faster than you thought possible!
Isn’t that amazing?
You CAN get back to that initial feeling that made you want to do something different.
And you can keep that feeling alive every single day!
This is the gold Elsie Lincoln Benedict is teaching us and why I spent over $30,000 buying up the full original collection of books where she shares all of this.
In fact…I’m SO excited by it that I’m giving you the chance to access these rare teachings too without spending that kind of money!
You can get started today by signing up to my 3-day challenge.
Just click the link here!
See you there,
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