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Thursday, December 21, 2023
Here’s something that I pretty much consider a *fact*...
You’ve got to be “weird” or “crazy” if you’re going to succeed. 😜
I don’t know ANYONE who’s successful… whose also normal.
Which makes sense: you can’t get extraordinary results by being ordinary.
In fact — I know we’ve been talking about Brainology by Elsie Lincoln Benedict the last few days — here’s a quote from her book about this!
"All geniuses have been a little crazy — constructively... If you have never been called crazy by somebody, there is little hope for you."
She then goes on to point out successful people who were labeled as crazy…
Samuel Langley, who attempted to create the first flying machine, faced mockery and disbelief. His invention was derogatorily called "Langley's Folly."
Samuel Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, and other visionaries like Galileo and Kepler, were also labeled as crazy for their revolutionary ideas and discoveries.
Most strikingly, how Thomas Edison was treated in his early life. Edison, who would later become one of the most prolific inventors in history, was sent home from school with a note declaring him to be unteachable and feeble-minded.
Being called “crazy” is a good thing :)
Are you a little weird?
“Overly” ambitious?
Lean into your crazy, not out.
It’s your competitive advantage!
Talk soon,
Russell Brunson
P.S. You can read Brainology for yourself if you’re a Secrets of Success member! Just follow the steps below.
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P.S. Not a Secrets of Success member yet? I'd love to send you your FREE Secrets of Success Kit that includes a copy of "Think and Grow Rich" and two UNPUBLISHED books from Napoleon Hill. After joining, follow the steps above to find Brainology inside your members area.
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