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How To Stop The Negative Thoughts!

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Tuesday, January 02, 2024

So they don’t rule your life.

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about how important THINKING is for your feelings, actions, and outcomes.

Think & grow rich — and all that ;)

But as it turns out, NOT thinking negative thoughts — not entertaining that crazy monkey in your head who says it’s impossible — is actually just as important as thinking optimistically (maybe more important).

And one of my favorite authors, Elsie Lincoln Benedict, says this…

"Anyone who persistently indulges in thoughts of despondency, depression, or discouragement will reap a harvest of like nature... Think of yourself as unsuccessful, abused, 'down and out' and these undesirable conditions will materialize in your life."​

She also gives some amazing and practical advice for thinking less negatively.

Check out these quotes from her book, How to Get Anything You Want

Honest Self-Reflection:

"Admit to yourself that you have been a weak silly fool or anything else that you have been. But don’t let it discourage you. Confession is good for the soul. It clears the air. It blows the cobwebs out of your mind. It is a mental vacuum cleaner."​​

Persistence in the Face of Setbacks:

"Admit to yourself that you have been a weak silly fool or anything else that you have been. But don’t let it discourage you. Confession is good for the soul. It clears the air. It blows the cobwebs out of your mind. It is a mental vacuum cleaner."​​

Guarding Your Thoughts:

"Make it your business during the next year to watch your thinking and make it constructive ALL THE TIME... Watch your visualizations. Always picture yourself in the position YOU WISH TO OCCUPY, never in your present one or in any position of unhappiness."​​

Letting Go of Past Failures:

"Forget [past failures] and let everyone else forget them. So far as possible stay away from the people who know of them and especially those who speak of them."​

Maybe the idea of thinking positive all the time sounds crazy to you…

Then this is for you.

Let me challenge you.

Don’t worry about thinking positive… just STOP thinking negatively — and you’ll be SHOCKED at how your life changes. :)

Talk soon!

P.S. Want help with this? Take our 3-day “get whatever you want” challenge here!

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