Eat That Frog!
Maximum Achievement
The Psychology of Achievement
The Strangest Secret
Lead the Field
The Psychology of Achievement
Born into poverty in 1944 in Vancouver, Canada, Brian Tracy was a self-described “troublemaker” who dropped out of high school. After working as a construction laborer and traveling the world, Tracy began a career in sales. Struggling at first, his career took off and he progressed through the ranks quickly, ultimately leading a sales team of 95. He was eventually invited to serve as COO of a $265 million development company.
Tracy founded Brian Tracy International in Vancouver in 1984, ultimately relocating to San Diego. In that capacity, he has consulted for over 1,000 companies and addressed 5 million listeners as a public speaker in more than 70 countries. Author of the books Eat That Frog!, Goals, No Excuses: The Power of Self-Discipline, The Science of Motivation, and The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires,
At the age of 20, Brian Tracy had had it. Sick of the dead-end jobs and subpar life, he hopped into his car, drove south of the Canadian border into the US, and road-tripped around the continent. But he didn’t stop there. Boarding a ship from the US to England, he visited France, Spain, and Gibraltar before striking out to Africa. Nearly dying in the Sahara desert, he moved down to Johannesburg, South Africa for two years, where he worked with the legendary Dr. Albert Schweizer.
Crossing the Middle East to Southeast Asia for a two-year stint in Thailand, Tracy returned to the US with over 80 countries under his belt and his mind greatly expanded to possibilities … but still little further along in terms of his career.
His career in sales got off to a rocky start. He didn’t understand why he struggled to close a deal, while some of his colleagues were getting rich off the commission of one closed deal after another. Tracy found a new obsession — how do great salespeople do it?
His pursuit of sales mastery led him to break through and become wealthy himself, progressing to real estate sales and development, as well as sales of courses and information. Tracy still travels the world … but by invitation as an expert consultant and guest speaker on success, motivation, business, and personal development.
His signature philosophy is NO EXCUSES — “There are no limits on what you can achieve in your life, except the limits you set in your own mind.”
Believe It to Achieve it (2017)
Eat That Frog! (2017)
No Excuses! (2010)
The Psychology of Achievement (1984)
Maximum Achievement (1993)
"Never complain, never explain. Resist the temptation to defend yourself or make excuses."
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